Wednesday, February 16, 2011

New Documentary about the United Nations in Postproduction

By Joshua Carpenter - Random Knuts
February 16, 2011 01:46 EST

With many reports coming out of the woodwork recently, it is no surprise that the UN is going to face much backlash for operating against the reasons they were originally formed. And rightly so, the irresponsibility of many top-level officials have led the organization, whose original purpose was to maintain stability throughout the world, to ignore much of the corruption and violence in the world.

Last night at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio, filmmakers Ami Horowitz and Matthew Groff presented their film U.N. Me.  The documentarians show U.N. operations in many parts of the world as they experience everything from the party scene to the horrible violence in Darfur, Rwanda and the Ivory Coast.  The film points out connections the U.N. has to countries in which genocide is taking place - as well as the connections the U.N. has with the acts of genocide themselves.

The film has definitely justified my skepticism toward the world organization.  This is especially true when learning about the gross amount of influence the U.N. allots to those regimes who continually disrupt the equilibrium of peace and stability of the world.  This film does a great job at uncovering the wide spread corruption and inefficiency of U.N. workers in addition to helping highlight the U.N.'s top-priority of saving face instead of saving lives.  Take a look:

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