Sunday, February 13, 2011

Hate Crimes Increase in Moscow, Russia Faces Increase in Racist Groups

By Joshua Carpenter, Random Knuts
February 08, 2011  4:11 p.m.

There was a time when those in Russia hated the fascists of Nazi Germany, but times are changing.  The crime rate in Moscow has, on average, decreased, but the levels of hate crimes and rape have increased.  Crimes related to extremism like violent offenses, hate crimes and sexual battery have jumped nearly 33%.  Murders directly associated with extremism have astoundingly increased by 50% not to ignore the fact that rapes have increased by 38%.  All of this comes out of an investigation performed on Moscow's population by an outside crime agency.  The details of the 840-page study shows that 90% of the crimes taking place in the city of Moscow went unreported which is 126,000 possible murders alone.

It is widely known that the backlash from the Soviet Union contributed much to the civil rights movement in the United States.  Now it seems as if the table has turned, but the Soviets had communism to sell when they condemned the U.S.'s treatment of African Americans during that time.  Because there is no interest in it for the U.S., it may require a conscious effort from citizens to point this out.  Even so, the track record of the U.S. in helping others out during social unrest is not very good, nor is the Russian government's track record for helping out their own countrymen.  This just seems to be an issue that only time can be expected to bring about an answer.


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